Starting Over | Katy Photographer, Cypress Photographer, Children photographer

July 09, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

 If 2020 wasn't enough... On November 1, 2020 I woke up to my Facebook being HACKED! Talk about panic. Has this ever happened to you?  This was the first time this has ever happened to me. 

 My first thought that came across my mind was my business page. The first step I had to do was get my personal Facebook page back. Thankfully, I was able to get my personal Facebook page back within a week, after submitting my drivers license to Facebook. 

 When I was able to log in the first thing I checked was my business page... I clicked on it and I was removed from as the admin. My face turned ghost white. I was about to hit my busiest time of the year. How was I going to be able to contact my clients to let them know about their upcoming sessions? I immediately starting researching on how to get my admin rights back to the page. 

 After SEVERAL attempts Facebook has decided not to give me admin rights back. They say because the admin of the page account wasn't compromised that they can not give me the admin rights. Of course that admin wasn't compromised because they took the account from me. 

 I submitted proof of ownership to Facebook and they still denied my request. SO, they gave me no choice but to start a new page. 5 years of blood, sweat, and tears torn down in a matter of 8 hours. 

 I am still able to post to my original page from Instagram. I will never to give this up! Hopefully Facebook doesn't catch on to the 2 pages with the same name. 

 I hate to think of all the messages on my original page that are going unanswered. What I think happened was... I never kept credit cards attached to my account. I'm thinking they decided my account was not worth it. Which I am thankful for. 


In the end, Facebook DOES NOT CARE! Change your passwords often and please don't leave your credit card info in there! A friend of mine recently got her account hacked and they charged $250 then they deleted her facebook page and business page! Beware out there. 


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